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Devil's Staircase

If hiking is your thing, the devil’s staircase is probably the most enjoyable and possibly the most challenging, road hike in Sri Lanka.

There are several ways to take on the Devil's Staircase, and any combination will be determined by both time and how fit you are. The more hardcore way to do it is to climb its length. This can take a strenuous 6-8 hours, and is definitely nothing to be undertaken lightly. Alternatively, you could walk down it, which will take roughly 4-5 hours. If, however, you prefer adrenaline over sheer brawn, you could drive the Devil's Staircase, which shouldn't take more than a couple of hours, whichever direction you're going. A combination of two of these method's - drive up and walk down - is probably the best way to experience everything the trail has to offer.

The Devil's Staircase takes the traveler up the northern side of the Kuda Oya Valley in a steep climb through a mix of tea plantations and highland forest, with the towering heights of the Horton Plains plateau on one side, through and into the Ohiya Gap, and then up the southern face of the Haputhale Mountain Range to Ohiya.